On November 13-15, 2024, the EERA Geothermal research network (https://www.eera-geothermal.eu/) organized a geothermal workshop in one of the lecture halls of the University of Stavanger (UiS). The topics of the speakers’ presentations came from a wide spectrum of aspects related to the use of geothermal energy. The conference was attended by 46 speakers.Wyniki dotychczasowych prac poczynionych w projekcie prezentowali przedstawiciele konsorcjum projektu GeoModel:
The presentations were received positively, and the discussions that arose provided valuable insights into further work on the project.
As part of the field trip, GeoModel project participants from MEERI PAS visited the Energy Center of the University of Stavanger, which supplies heat and cooling to campus buildings thanks to numerous borehole heat exchangers. We also visited the nearby Ullrig drilling technology center (owned by the NORCE research center), where a mobile drilling platform is located. This created an opportunity to see the conditions in which drilling tools and cement mixtures are tested, including chambers for simulating high temperature and pressure conditions.
The conference was a significant event with the participation of mainly European scientists. It allowed for the collection of valuable observations regarding the tools being developed in the project. The field trip was also very fruitful in terms of a practical look at geothermal drilling, especially in terms of the possibility of using the rich laboratory equipment in possible joint research projects.
Finally, it is worth adding that the Norwegian Petroleum Museum (Norsk Oljemuseum) is located in Stavanger. It is an extremely interesting place with many interesting exhibits, photos, models and interactive elements documenting the rapid development of the oil & gas industry in Norway. When visiting such a place, the thought comes to mind that it would be worth creating a museum dedicated to the development of geothermal energy in Poland, drawing some of the ideas from Norsk Oljemuseum.
Authors of photos: Maciej Miecznik (MEERI PAS), Sæunn Halldórsdóttir (ISOR)
The project is financed under the Fund for Bilateral Relations through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NFM) 2014-2021, programme “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”.
Project Operator: Ministry of Climate and Environment