
About GeoModel

GeoModel is a predefined project under the Fund for Bilateral Relations through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme.

Project objective

  • Improving the management of geothermal resources exploited in low-temperature reservoirs in Poland and Iceland, and in a broader sense – also in other countries. The project concerns classical geothermal systems of medium and bigger depths, where geothermal fluid is present as a liquid. However, it does not cover very shallow geothermal energy, such as the operation of ground-source heat exchangers.
  • Improving the quality of low-temperature geothermal resources management by facilitating access to appropriate reservoir modelling tools and promoting the advantages of regular and thorough monitoring of resources.
  • Reducing the barriers related to access to computer programs for modelling geothermal reservoirs should contribute to this.


The project will develop tools that will support the calibration of numerical models, will enable modelling of heat transport and fluid flow in highly saline reservoirs (such as in the Polish Lowland) and will be helpful in calculating parameters at wellhead, as well as support the decision-making process regarding the optimal location of future drillings.

The tools developed in the project will be tested on real data from the monitoring of selected geothermal systems in Poland and Iceland. These data will be used to check whether the tools developed under the GeoModel project allow for the creation of reliable exploitation forecasts for various types of reservoirs (porous or fissured reservoirs), filled with a fluid of various mineralization (low or highly mineralized water), with a different availability of geological and measurement information.

Project target groups:

  • Operators of geothermal systems, reservoir engineers
  • Scientific community,
  • students

Project Leader

Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Wybickiego 7A, 31-261 Kraków, Poland

Project partner

Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR)
Urdarhvarfi 8 203 Kópavogur
Iceland Kt. 600503-4050

Project budget: PLN 1,654,012.69 

Financing amount: PLN 1,654,012.69 

Financing: EEA Financial Mechanism: PLN 812,947.24

Norwegian Financial Mechanism: PLN 841,065.45

Program operator:

Ministry of Climate and Environment

Together we work for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The project is financed under the Fund for Bilateral Relations through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NFM) 2014-2021, programme “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”.

Project Operator: Ministry of Climate and Environment

COPYRIGHT Norway Grants | Design and coding by Brandobry